A tool for deriving insight from simple body measurements.
Please send comments, complaints, or ideas to
my email at [email protected].
Last updated: 9/19/2024
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https://anthro.marionberry.net/eCtl3y6i6mbFor highest accuracy, measure multiple times using a tape measure in centimeters.
170 cm
67 in
68 kg
150 lbs
Measure the horizontal circumference at about the larynx or halfway up the neck.
35 cm
14 in
Measure the horizontal circumference just below the shoulders
105 cm
41 in
Measure the horizontal circumference just a little below the nipple/breast level
85 cm
33 in
Measure the horizontal circumference at the thinnest point above your belly button.
75 cm
30 in
Measure the horizontal circumference at the thickest point below your belly button.
95 cm
37 in
Pick the largest of your two feet if they differ. This should be the shoe size you can comfortably wear.
(Sadly, most of the numbers in the celebrity match database are probably wrong. I will try and find actual numbers. If you know any celebs please hmu!)
Celebrity Match EARLY PREVIEW
Ice Spice 74%
Body Shape
Of course, there's no way for this tool to know if you're actually fit or not. However, based on your measurements, we can see how often others with your body shape tend to engage in physical activity.
This model was built using the NHANES survey of American adults. The NHANES defines "vigorous activity" as household chores, yard work, fitness, sports, or other activities which significantly elevate the heart rate for at least ten minutes.
Endocrine analysis uses a deep machine learning model to try and guess if your weight distribution is more gynoid (female) or android (male). It's about 99.5% accurate.
This isn't a score of how feminine or masculine your body is, but moreso how your weight is distributed across your body. Adjust your weight and see how your result changes!
The body shape model is an estimate of how feminine or masculine your body is. It's pretty good, but it's not as good as the endocrine model, due to the large overlap between sexes. Check out the ratio explorer below to see for yourself!
If the endocrine model and body shape model disagree, then the endocrine model is probably right!
Like most things in life, your measurements don't really mean a lot without context. For example, are you overweight, or just tall?
In the graph below, the colored lines are a trendline and the surrounding zone is one standard deviation; 65% of all bodies will fall between the colored zone.
NaNth percentile, female
NaNth percentile, male
These predictions are predictions, nothing more and nothing less. Please don't take these as fact or use them to diagnose yourself with whatever.
This is your predicted fat mass, across your entire body.
19.2 kg
42.3 lbs
28.2 % body fat
This is your predicted skeletal muscle mass, which are muscles responsible for movement.
23.3 kg
51.4 lbs
And finally, your body shape compared to a dataset of United States soldiers. Remember, active duty soldiers will generally be bulkier and have more muscle than most of the civilian population.
Your WHR ratio is a measure of your fat and a good predictor of your health
0.79 whr
19.3th percentile, women
0.4th percentile, men
BMI is a common but less effective tool for gauging if your weight is appropriate
23.53 bmi
29.8th percentile, women
15.2th percentile, men
A newer BMI scale with a different formula
23.46 bmi
25.3th percentile, women
17.9th percentile, men
Your hip-to-shoulder ratio is a measure of how balanced your silhouette is.
1.11 hsr
97.1th percentile, women
16.9th percentile, men
Your shoe size is mostly related to your height
0.153 hfr
61.5th percentile, women
38.9th percentile, men